Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing or corrupt. If you are facing the same error, read the entire article to know the best possible fixes for the same.
Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM is missing or corrupt
The Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM is missing or corrupt error can be because of multiple reasons such as missing or corrupted Registry files. These are the things you can do to fix Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM is missing or corrupt. Let us talk about them in detail.
Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing or corrupt
1] Scan Hard Drive and System files
Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM is missing or corrupt error can be because of some bad sectors in your Hard Drive. So, the best option is to try and fix these sectors. You can do that pretty simply by starting the computer with Windows ISO Media. Now, click Repair your computer > Command Prompt, type the following command, and hit Enter. Wait for the process to complete, restart your computer and check if the issue persists.
If it doesn’t work, try running SFC, the System File Checker command. In the Command Prompt, type the following command and hit Enter. Wait for the process to complete, restart your computer and check if the issue persists.
2] Restore Registry
The problem can be because of Registry files. If it is missing or corrupted, therefore, we need to restore Registry Files in order to fix the issue. So, launch Command Prompt (as we did in Solution 2) and type the following commands to backup your Registry, in case if something goes wrong. Now, delete the current Registry files. Finally, use the following commands to repair Registry files. Note: Replace “C” with the Drive letter in which your OS is stored. Now, close the Command Prompt and reboot your computer to check if the issue persists.
3] Repair Windows 10 using Installation Media
If Automatic Startup Repair also does not help, then you need to repair Windows 10 using the Installation Media. Hopefully, we have helped you to fix Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM is missing or corrupt. Read Next: How to repair corrupted or damaged Registry in Windows 10