Here’s the thing, Windows Information Protection, otherwise known as WIP, is well endowed to protect automatically classified files via the sensitive information types feature. It takes full advantage of Windows Defender ATP, but bear in mind the latest improvements are only available in Windows 10 1903 and later.

Configure WIP

Before we go forward, wed like to talk about how to configure Windows Information Protection. It’s quite easy and straight to the point, so let’s get things up and running for your pleasure. OK, so the first thing the user needs to do is to visit via their web browser and log-in with a Windows Intune administrative account. After that, the user should see a navigation pane on the left and select the option that says Policies. That’s it right there for configuring WIP. As you can tell, the task is quite easy, especially for those who know their way around a computer.

Protect sensitivity labels with Endpoint Data Loss Prevention

When it comes down to managing sensitivity labels, this can be done in the Microsoft 365 compliance center with relative ease. For those who were not aware, Windows Defender is capable of extracting a file to check if it has been contaminated with a virus or malware. It can also check if a file contains sensitive information such as credit card numbers or other types of important data. The default sensitive information types include credit card numbers, phone numbers, driver’s license numbers, and more. However, what’s interesting here is the ability for users to set custom sensitive information types should they wish to do so.

Windows Information Protection

Whenever the user creates or edits a file on Windows 10 endpoint, the content is promptly extracted an evaluated by Windows Defender ATP. It will then check the files for any defined sensitive information types. Now, if the files have a match, Windows Defender ATP will then proceed to apply endpoint data loss prevention. It should be noted that Windows Defender ATP is integrated with Microsoft Azure Information Protection, a feature that was designed primarily for data discovery. It can also report sensitive data types that were recently discovered.

For those who want to see the sensitive information types, we suggest checking under Classifications via Microsoft Office 365 compliance. Bear in mind that all default sensitive information types have Microsoft as the publisher. When it comes down to custom types, they will be attached to the name of the tenant. UPDATE: This has been retired now. Hope this helps.