Window Inspector for Windows PC
The UI of Window Inspector is pretty straightforward and tidy, but the properties and their corresponding values may seem a bit daunting. To view the properties of an active window, just point the mouse’s cursor to the desired window. You can lock upon a particular window so that the mouse movements do not affect the functioning of the application. The right pane will display all the relevant properties and data. Some of the properties displayed are: Some of the properties displayed are:
IconsTitleProcess NameProcess Command LineWindow Rectangle and coordinatesMetro PropertiesMaximized and Minimized StatusAppIDTop Window StatusModal StatusEnable/Disabled StatusAnd more.
You can even extract the data out of the application and save it to an HTML file for record and further reference. Moreover, you can freeze the timer so that the data does not update and you can record or save the data. With Window Inspector, you can browse through the parent/child or owner/child window hierarchies per-process and see all the windows associated with an application. Also, you can double-click any window in the tree-view to see its detailed properties, icons and more. With Window Inspector, you can browse through the parent/child or owner/child window hierarchies per process and see all the windows associated with an application. You can also double-click any window in the tree-view to see its detailed properties, icons, and more. You can view the window class, text, properties, and more, simply by moving your mouse cursor over the target window. The Hotkeys to various functions of the software are provided and you can use those hotkeys to easily access features. For instance, you can press ‘Ctrl + Shift + F3’ to lock upon a Window and ‘Ctrl + Shift + F2’ to save the data to an HTML file. Window Inspector could be a very helpful tool for developers. Average users may not find it very useful. Click here to download Window Inspector.