Windows Spotlight is a new addition to Windows 11/10, and it helps you customize the lock screen and some other places as per your requirements. It is very straightforward to enable the Windows Spotlight feature from the Windows Settings. The Windows Spotlight also allows you to get the Like What You See option on the lock screen.
Turn off Windows Spotlight features using Group Policy Editor
To turn off Windows Spotlight features on Windows 11/10, follow these steps- Let’s check out these steps in detail. To get started, open the Local Group Policy Editor. For that, press Win+R to open the Run prompt, type gpedit.msc, and hit the Enter button. Now, navigate to the following path- In the Cloud Content folder, you will see a setting called Turn off all Windows spotlight features. Double-click on it, and select the Enabled option. Then, click on Apply and OK buttons, respectively. Windows Spotlight on the lock screen, Windows Tips, Microsoft consumer features, and other options will be invisible after doing this.
Turn off Windows Spotlight features using Registry Editor
To turn off Windows Spotlight features on Windows 10 using Registry Editor, follow these steps- Keep reading to know more about these steps. Before getting started, you should create a System Restore point and back up all Registry files to be on the safe side. At first, search for regedit in the Taskbar search box and click on the Registry Editor in the search result. Then, select the Yes button in the UAC prompt and navigate to the following path- Right-click on CloudContent, and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Then, name it as DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures. After that, double-click on DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures set the Value data as 1, and click the OK button to save the change. That’s all! Hope this guide helps you. Read: How to find Spotlight Lock Screen images in Windows.