Ideas born in The Garage at Microsoft

Mouse without Borders

Mouse without Borders is a product that hands over complete control of up to four computers to a single user from a single mouse and keyboard. This means that with Mouse without Borders you can copy text or drag and drop files across computers. Bing Keyword Distribution Graph. As an advertiser, you may be managing thousands of keywords exploring opportunities to optimize them correctly and quickly. The Garage project – Bing Keyword Distribution Graph adopted by Bing has helped the advertiser achieve the result by allowing them to more easily track and visualize thousands of online search keywords.

Forgotten Attachment Detector

It was ‘The Garage’ where the idea for the forgotten Outlook attachment reminder was hatched. The feature now incorporated by Microsoft Outlook 2013, prompts users when they fail to attach an email. Microsoft developer Bhavesh Chauhan, the man behind the scenes, decided he wanted to be the one to fix the most common of email faux pas – the forgotten attachment. The Hyderabad-based employee spent evenings and weekends (neglecting his beloved cricket) to develop the Forgotten Attachment Detector. With some guidance and matchmaking from Garage members, he got the attention of the Microsoft Outlook team. His project became a feature in Outlook 2013, and is available as an add-in for older versions of the program.


This Windows Phone app, created at a Garage intern hackathon, is designed to wake dozing commuters when they’ve arrived at their stop.


A code-review program now used by nearly 40,000 Microsoft engineers. The program was hatched over beers and developed in The Garage.

Next Lock Screen app for Android

Next Lock Screen app for Android is designed to enable its users to have a glance at their calendar, emails, text messages, & missed calls; connect to a conference call, and more with a single tap without unlocking their devices. Big Names at The Garage Todd Rawlings, who leads strategic projects and teams for Microsoft’s cloud services, is an expert in business leadership but pursues his special interest at The Garage. One of his current projects involves bringing in use Kinect, a pair of Oculus goggles and a quadrocopter to let pilots use their bodies to navigate and therefore experience the sensation of flying.

In short, The Garage is chock full of people with projects in various stages of evolution. Some have become features in Microsoft’s software and services while some are merely flights of fancy. Others, for example, Mount St. Awesome, are purely for fun. Visit the Microsoft Garage to read the dozens of stories that can inspire and get you started or turn you into a Garage geek in an instance. In the Garage’s nearly six years, more than 3,000 employees have completed more than 10,000 projects all varying wildly in size and scope.

The Microsoft Garage  Microsofts Real Activity Center - 8The Microsoft Garage  Microsofts Real Activity Center - 1