In all the odds, this problem mainly occurs when the Group Policy object for Windows Time Service is configured incorrectly. There can be some Group Policies linked to the Windows Time Service, which might need change. Also, you can get this error even when some parameter of Windows Time Service is set wrong or when there are general issues with the Windows Time Service. If your computer did not resync because no time data was available, then there are several ways to resolve this issue. However, experts from Microsoft recommend examining ‘Group Policies” on Windows. This method has proven to help many people resolve this error, and experts highly recommend it.
The computer did not resync because no time data was available
So, what needs to be done here? You will need to examine the Group Policies which configure the Windows Time Service Group Policy objects to their default values or to a value of Not Configured. Please note, the process will differ based on where you are trying to troubleshoot the problem, i.e., for a domain controller or on a local computer. To fix the issue of The computer did not resync because no time data was available, follow the below steps:
For a local computer
1] Open the ‘Run’ dialog box from the ‘Start Menu’ or use the ‘Windows + R’ key combination. 2] Type ‘gpedit.msc’ in the dialog box. 3] Click ‘OK’ to open the ‘Local Group Policy Editor’.
4] Below ‘Computer Configuration’ (appearing on the left navigation pane of Local Group Policy Editor), double click on ‘Administrative Templates’, and navigate to System > Windows Time Service. 5] Right-click ‘Global Configuration Settings’ in the right pane, and then click ‘Properties’. 6] Double click the ‘Global Configuration Settings’ policy and click the ‘Not Configured’ option. 7] Expand ‘Windows Time Service’, click ‘Time Providers’, and then set all the objects in this node to ‘Not Configured’. Please note that there are three keys in this folder, including Configure Windows NTP Client, Enable Windows NTP Client, and Enable Windows NTP Server. Each of these need to be set to ‘Not Configured’. 8] Click ‘Apply Changes’ and Exit.
For a domain object
1] Open the ‘Run’ dialog box from the ‘Start Menu’ or use the ‘Windows + R’ key combination. 2] Type ‘dsa.msc’ in the Run dialog box. 3] Click ‘OK’ to open the ‘Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console’. 4] Inside, ‘Right-Click’ the container which contains the Group Policy object you wish to modify. 5] Click ‘Properties’ from the context menu. 6] In the ‘ContainerName properties’ dialog box, click the ‘Group Policy’ tab. 7] Click the Group Policy object that you want to modify, and then click ‘Edit’. Don’t forget to reboot the system to save the changes and check if the error of your computer did not resync because no time data was available is fixed. In all probabilities, the issue should get resolved.